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Man in Hooded Sweatshirt

The purpose of this site is to expose the truth about the company known as Nanophile Laboratories Corporation. As a person with former connections with this industry, I am privy to the inner workings of nanotechnology.

I am using this site to curate what I know about NLC in hopes that the public will not be deceived or manipulated by the promises of perfect health through their proprietary "nano care".

In full transparency, I will note that I have seen the good that Nanophile Labs has done. I have also seen the damage that with much effort is kept hidden. Should you choose to seek out their treatments or use their nanoproducts, I want you to at least be well-informed about what to expect, for the better and the worse.

Not all technology is bad. Not all of Nanophile Laboratories is bad.  It's the fact that they hide so much of what they are doing that is not good. And that is what I work so hard to expose. 

The next time you hear the phrase "Become a Nanophile today", I want you to think about what that means.

My job is not to persuade you, only to inform you. I encourage you to follow my lead: learn what you can. Share what you know

-The Disruptor.

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